
April 23, 2023 Sermon

A week ago, Dale and I left for the Texas Hill country where we experienced lush green trees, rolling hills and wild flowers everywhere! It was like stepping into the magical color of OZ when a tornado sweeps Dorothy and Toto from a black and white, stormy Kansas into a new and beautiful setting. A bit surreal. Yet, when we left Minnesota, the temps were climbing into the 60’s, 70’s and even 80’s, and we imagined that maybe…JUST MAYBE…this year we would get an early spring, and we would come back to…??? Well, anything but THIS…a new dumping of heavy, wet, impossible to shovel, tree breaking snow! But, that’s life in northern Minnesota, right? Some winters it can seem like we have to walk a long long way through the ice and snow and now mud before we get to a yearly resurrection miracle we call spring!

Our story from the Gospel of Luke today tells us that it was a seven mile journey to Emmaus from Jerusalem. Seven miles. It’s nearly 7 miles back to Hwy 61 from the church here on Hwy 1, and it was exactly seven miles from our farm in Red Lake County to our town and church in Red Lake Falls. Just a few minutes by car….but if one had to walk those seven miles? A long journey. This morning, let’s imagine walking those seven miles with these two followers of Jesus who were returning home after the feast of Passover in Jerusalem. A religious holiday and feast of joy and rescue that had turned into the most horrific event of their lives. They had watched helplessly as their master and messiah was beaten, mocked, and crucified in a manner beyond description. Their heaviness of heart must have been overwhelming as they processed the unthinkable.

We can only imagine. Just as we can only imagine the mothers and fathers processing why a shooter would enter an elementary school and mow down innocent children with an automatic weapon; of mothers in the Sudan desperately pull weeds from flooded waters to try and feed their starving children; or civilians in the Ukraine digging through bombed out homes, schools, hospitals looking for survivors while more bombs rain down upon them. We can only imagine such horror…until it too comes to our door.

Those two men walking those long seven miles from Jerusalem to Emmaus in the aftermath of Jesus’ crucifixion, death…and now….astounding, crazy rumor that his tomb is empty with a vision of angel’s claiming he has risen, had to be long and difficult. Like all of us in moments of grief and loss…they needed to process this…discuss it…reason and search for answers as they put one step before the other to return to living their lives that, from their perspective, were irrevocably broken. It was a road of sorrows…or confusion…of disappointment and disillusionment. They were walking back in a fog, not knowing how to go forward, yet forward they had to go. What would they do next?

Into this place of anguish, guess who shows up? Jesus. It’s so like Jesus, isn’t it, to show up when we need him most? Yet, they are kept from fully recognizing him. I wonder why? Could it be that Jesus understand that they needed this time to seek truth and understanding BEFORE they could experience the reality of the resurrection? Jesus enters their grief in such a gentle and unassuming way. “Tell me what’s happened?” He says. And they pour out their deepest feelings; they lament their confusion, disappointment and disillusionment. Almost like a festering wound that must break open to be released of the pressure and pain so that a healing balm may enter and bring relief, Jesus allows them time and space to be fully human. And when they are ready, he gently begins to paint the BIG PICTURE that’s been right before them all along. He opened the scriptures for them, explaining God’s intent from the beginning of creation to bring salvation to his lost children. A healing balm of unexpected…undeserved, and radical GRACE from the Heart of God beyond their imagination.

You see, my friends…those seven miles are important. Whether they be miles of grief we must walk…miles of anger or frustration we must vent….or miles of spiritual searching, that drive us to our knees…the human road to the next step…the Emmaus ahead that moves us back into life IS IMPORTANT! We can’t just skip the hard stuff and jump into a REAL faith in the resurrection and belief in the truth about Christ just by hearing the story. THE STORY has to take us on a road to meet Jesus. The creation of REAL faith happens in an encounter with the Living Christ…not with just a creed, doctrine or theological understanding. These men needed to hear truths born out of scripture by the prophets with hearts that were now open and listening. As they discussed them…sought to understand them, there was spiritual awakening.

Jesus walked with them every step of those seven miles, and spoke to their hearts while they had hearts to receive. One would have thought that by this time they would have connected the dots and realized it was Jesus teaching them. But, you see, while education and understanding is important, it is only the beginning of the journey.

When they reached their destination, Jesus would have moved on EXCEPT for one thing: their invitation to stay and tell them more. Their hearts were so moved they wanted more, and so they INVITED Jesus to dwell with them…to abide and stay. To understand who Jesus is, is the first step, but it leads to more…to a relationship…a homecoming. God has given us FREE WILL…and while Jesus ALWAYS shows up in our world…in our brokenness…in our joys and sorrows…He NEVER strong arms us to believe or to follow him. We MUST invite him in. Our Savior is close….very close…and waiting for that invitation to love us and save us more than we could ever imagine.

Look what happens when these two men invite Jesus into their homes and their hearts. They sit down to supper, a common, ordinary thing to do after a long journey, and Jesus breaks the bread. Instantly…in the very human act of hospitality, their eyes are opened and they realize it IS Jesus who sits beside them. They also realize that their hearts had been burning with something they couldn’t create for themselves, a sense of hope…peace…even joy, when Jesus was explaining the scriptures and pointing to the reality that God has a plan that is bigger than any horrors of this world.

What the story of the road to Emmaus teaches us is this.

First: Jesus SHOWS UP! Life is a gift…but it is also a road, an Emmaus road sometimes filled with questions; disappointments; seasons we may struggle to accept, and journey’s we don’t want or choose. YET, Jesus IS there, walking beside us whether we have eyes to see him or not. The gales that blow our lake, the snow and ice that stops us in our tracks…the journey through life we take….we NEVER take alone! Jesus shows up!

Secondly: When the scriptures are opened to us…whether through our own study; a sermon; Bible study; actions of compassion and grace by others…. We need to notice where our hearts “burn” with that which not only rings true…but which shows us the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE through faith and grace. God speaks to us…and when He MUST, He does so with words….AND most effectively, with His Son! We just need to listen..discuss…wonder…and show up to be fed. Jesus shows up…and Jesus speaks truth to us through the Holy Spirit… It is our role to LISTEN…ASK…and receive.

And Third: We need to “invite” Jesus into our lives and our hearts. He gave us the Holy Spirit’s power and presence to KNOW Jesus intimately, and to share him with others. But WE must invite him in. We have that choice…and that amazing opportunity. Jesus shows up…he knocks…he calls to us through his Spirit…BUT, WE must invite him to stay and show us the way.

And finally, did you notice how the story ends? What did those two men do after their encounter with the risen Christ? They ran…literally ran back ALL THOSE SEVEN MILES…to Jerusalem! Why would they run back on the same road of misery…because now it was a road of witness and celebration! They had to share the good news that Jesus is truly Risen! Jesus is truly the Messiah of God! Jesus is our Salvation!

When I think about the promise found in Hebrews that each of us is surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses…urging us along on our own roads to Emmaus…pointing to the faith of our fathers and encouraging us to SEE…really see and allow our hearts to be burned by the incredible news that in Jesus, we are all alive!!!....the only word that works is Hallelujah! And all God’s people said: Amen!

Prayers: Third Sunday after Easter

Standing in the glorious light of the resurrection, let us pray for the church, the world, and all who wait for the Spirit’s revealing power. Let us pray…

God of peace, truth and spiritual awakening; your presence calms our fears and our terrors. Give all the baptized such a boldness in faith and proclamation that many will have their eyes and minds opened to understand and fully experience your love. LIYM

God of Life, grant your wisdom to all who are in positions of power and authority across the world as they guide the peoples of all nations. Sustain those suffering in war; injustice and oppression; famine and starvation; or dealing with devastation from tornadoes, floods, fires and the many diseases that diminish human life. LIYM

God of Compassion and unlimiting grace; grant to all facing surgery or medical treatments a generous measure of peace in mind and heart. Touch the sick and lonely with your tenderness; look with favor on the children born into this world and empower our youth as they grow into adulthood that they might hear the gospel and invite your dear Son into their lives. Raise us a new generation of witnesses to the power of life and resurrection. LIYM

God of Comfort, we lift up today these special friends, neighbors and loved ones in their time of need: Sandee as she as surgery this Monday; Cristina as she grieves and moves forward without Jim; Scott MinkEE and his daughter and family as they work to bring recovery from his stroke; and Verna and Jim as Verna receives care in a new health care setting. These precious souls, and those we lift before you now in our hearts… we offer our prayers (Pause) LIYM

Hear our prayers, gracious God and receive them for the sake of the crucified, and rien one, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.


May 14, 2023 Sermon


April 30, 2023 Sermon