
May 14, 2023 Sermon

“Faith is a Frightened Bird, waiting”

Sixth Sunday of Easter - May 14, 2023 (Mother’s Day)

John 14: 1-21 - Pastor Deb - BRCC

On this beautiful mother’s day…we look outside and dare trust that perhaps spring is finally here! And we also think of our mothers…for none of us would be here today if we didn’t have a mother to birth us into this world. On this mother’s day, I found myself thinking about my 95 year old mother who continues to live as a joy filled gift to her children; but I also am thinking today of my grandma Miller…my father’s mother who died way back in the 1980’s…yet whose loving presence is still with me in ways that are hard to explain.

For example, at our home, we have a very large and very old Christmas cactus plant. I can barely lift it, but each spring…June up here, I put it outside in a protected spot for the summer so that it will remain strong and healthy, and I bring it in again in the fall so that it will bloom and bloom as the light shortens toward Christmas. That plant came from a clipping of my grandmother’s Christmas Cactus plant when I was in college. I managed to kill many new starts UNTIL my grandma died. Since that time…that plant thrives and reminds me every day that my grandma’s love watches over me. (I wonder sometimes if she doesn’t secretly take care of it for me as I am sometimes pretty neglectful!)

Another reminder of her on-going presence in my life is this old quilt. Grandma made this quilt for Dale and I when we got married…well over 50 years ago. It’s filled with scraps from all kinds of old pieces of clothing that my grandma used to wear, or aprons that wore out, or pieces of farmer pants and calico curtains. And if you look where a seam has torn over the years, you will see that it’s batting is an old army blanket because, of course, my grandma couldn’t afford to buy batting. Everything she made was a mixture of past memories recycled into a statement of love.

This old quilt is very precious to me, as is the Christmas cactus. Why? Because of the cherished relationship I was privileged to have with my very German but big hearted grandmother. I was her first born grand-daughter, and while she went on to have many grandchildren and great grandchildren over her 80+ years, there was a special connection I felt to her. (I think really that she made every grandchild feel that connection…but of course, I always thought I was her favorite!) Every summer I would get a wonderful week to stay at my grandparents farm in North Dakota and share her daily chores of gardening; feeding the chickens and geese; and bringing meals to either a field or her big oak table to feed grandpa, uncle Stan and the hired men working the farm. When we collected the large goose eggs, if she found one that wasn’t “viable” anymore, she would take me down by the pond and let me hurl it into the water, or better yet, splat it against a tree. I remember that her hands and feet were so large…and yet…. so gentle and giving. I could go on and on with memories of my grandmother…but suffice it to say, even though she passed away well over 40 years ago…her love did NOT leave me orphaned! Because she lived…birthed my father…and embraced me with her presence, care and unconditional love….She remains with me forever.

Perhaps you have a relationship with a mother, father, grandparent, loved one or life long friend that is just as precious and nourishing to your life. I hope so. We surely live in a world where the fabric of human acceptance; compassion and grace is being pushed aside by disunity and strife. And we know that there are some around us for whom mother’s or father’s day brings hurtful or painful memories rather than warm fuzzies. But I share my story about my wonderful grandmother with you today to help us get our hearts and minds around Jesus’ wonderful words in our Gospel text today when he says this: “I will not leave you orphaned.” (John 14:18)

These precious words were spoken to disciples that were overwhelmed and scared. The gospel of John shares a long discourse between Jesus and his disciples as Jesus prepared them for what is to come, his crucifixion, death, resurrection and finally, his ascension back to the Father. We can only imagine the emotions and poignancy of these conversations in which Jesus pours out his heart to comfort his fearful followers.

Jesus tells him that yes….he must go away, BUT, he will send the Holy Spirit to bring his life into their presence. “Because I live, you will live also….I will not leave you orphaned.”

I remember when my grandma got cancer and her life was ebbing away. I was married and had our three children by now, and I took Sonja, a toddler at that time, to Grafton for a visit with my grandma. I brought along a tape recorder and recorded our visit, asking her to tell me about her life in Germany; her parents and siblings; her journey to the US and finally to North Dakota where she raised 8 children on a remote farm. I remember realizing that she was preparing to die, for as I drove away…reluctant to leave, she stood outside their home sadly watching and waving. I knew in my heart that she was going away. And sure enough, it wasn’t long after that she and my grandfather were both hospitalized. Grandpa died just a month before my grandma, and my sisters and I sang “In the Garden” for his funeral. Because my grandma couldn’t attend the service, we went to her bedside after the funeral and sang that song just for her. She was in a great deal of pain by then, but those moments will be forever seared in my heart, for she radiated love…love that could never die. A few weeks later, we were at her funeral, and graveside…again singing a song of praise to God despite the sorrow in our hearts.

This morning, I want to share a favorite poem by Gerhardt Frost. It’s about a bird…and the gift of faith in those moments when life seems so fragile. It’s entitled “Only Sometimes.”

Faith is a frightened bird, perched high. Unwilling to abandon, and waiting to return; never out of sight of its heart home. It waits in trembling trust, often silent, but sometimes, only sometimes, with a song!

Doesn’t this describe our journey’s of shared life and faith as we walk the walk of life, and share ourselves with Christ and one another? How do we learn to TRUST? How do we embrace FAITH, if not through the places where Christ’s love is made flesh among us?

Whether we realize it or not, our faith is like a frightened bird. None of us are comfortable with loss, illness, brokenness, pain and death. But we all know that we must and will face these things in the course of our lives here on earth. And living in this reality of our humanness, we need to retreat to a branch of safety. BUT, within eyesight of our HEART HOME…the place where we know and experience unconditional, all embracing love FOR WHO WE ARE…NOT FOR WHO THE WORLD TELLS US TO BE. it is here, on our branch of faith….we trust will keep us within reach of what we need most, that we SOMETIMES…PERHAPS ONLY SOMETIMES, can sing a song of praise. A song of lament. Or a song of trust.

This is the kind of moment portrayed in John’s gospel. Those disciples felt the truth that Jesus was leaving them…Jesus felt it too. And in that moment, some of the most beautiful words of scripture ever written were shared: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe in me.” Jesus showed them the way. “I am the way…I am the truth…I am the life” keep your eyes on ME…your true HEART HOME. And I will send my Spirit to give your life a SONG!

As your “bridge pastor,” and as a committed part of this worshiping community, I have often said, “WE ARE SMALL, BUT MIGHTY!” What I mean is that we are a small group of people whom God has given a heart home HERE, in this community, among these people and in this place. Thanks to God’s Spirit in our midst, there seem to be more and more people trickling in, seeking a heart home where Christ is alive and they can join the SONG of faith that follows this Jesus of inclusive love and compassion.

Seven trusting and faithful people have flown down from their perch to participate in a call committee process to seek a new spiritual leader, a pastor, to walk with us and guide us into our future. This, my friends, is a BIG moment! It’s a big step of FAITH. A big step of TRUST.

It means change is coming. New wine is bubbling up and stirring up hope and possibilities. It’s a time when this congregation perches on a branch of faith waiting for what God might bring to this place we love so much, and trusting, that indeed, our God does have a plan for our future. It’s a time of trembling trust because it will take courageous faith and trust to both finance a pastor to serve us, and also the collective commitment of our small but mighty congregation to open our hearts and minds to whomever God may bring.

BUT REMEMBER: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God…believe in Jesus…receive the Holy Spirit…and sing a SONG of trust. For the promise is right before us as it was for those disciples over 2000 years ago, “I WILL do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If in my name you ask for me anything, I WILL do it!” (John 14: 13-14)

May this day, and every day, fill you with loving moments and memories; and may you find yourself singing a song on whatever branch you are sitting…keeping your eyes on our heart home…Jesus, the Christ. Amen.


May 21, 2023


April 23, 2023 Sermon