Worship with us
In-person worship is Sunday at 10 a.m.
We are a gathering of imperfect people seeking the mystery of God’s grace together. Each week we confess our brokenness, experience God’s joyful promise of forgiveness, and hear the good news of how God’s relentless love reaches into our lives with the sure promise of new life.
We share the sacrament of Holy Communion each time we gather to worship. You are welcome to partake in the meal regardless of where you are in your journey of faith. Small children are invited to receive the bread and grape juice or a blessing at your discretion. Gluten free bread is available.
There is no dress code here. Come as you are. Jeans and a t-shirt are as appropriate as a suit and tie.
Just … you know … wear some clothes!
We welcome our visitors! Your presence enriches our worship, communion, and fellowship.
We also record and post videos of sermons in our sermon archive.