
January 15, 2023

“What are you Looking For?

John 1: 29-42 - 2nd Sunday after Epiphany

January 15, 2023 - BRCC - Pastor Deb Birkeland

A young and newly installed clergyperson was contacted by a local funeral director to hold a graveside committal service at a small cemetery in Iowa. There was to be no funeral, just a committal, because the deceased had no more family or friends left in Iowa.

The young pastor started early to get to the cemetery, but soon lost his way. After making several wrong turns, he finally arrived a half-hour late. The hearse was nowhere in sight, and the workmen were relaxing under a tree having their lunch. The pastor went to the open grave and found that the vault lid had already been put in place. Feeling chagrined that he was so late, he took out his service book and performed the service and offered a prayer and blessing. As he returned to his car, he overheard one of the workmen say: “Maybe we’d better tell him its a septic tank!”

Sometimes…even us pastor’s get it wrong because we too are VERY human!

I don’t know about you, but I find this time of the year especially challenging to my walk of faith. Things settle down into a predictable rhythm in the deep part of winter, and in some ways, that’s cozy and comfortable. But then, there are the frustrations of this season too: flu and cold season lingers around the edges…snow and ice make getting outside more of a challenge…and routines are….well the same old…same old… and I get restless. My faith gets restless too, and I start looking around for something….something I know I want and need, something that I want to share with others; something that will make my heart sing with joy again, and find hope to keep looking forward… And, I find that I AM IN MY OWN WAY. Do any of you ever feel that way? Well, some must, because there is a popular Christian Rock song by the group U2 that I find particularly haunting. It’s lyrics go like this:

I have climbed highest mountains; I have run through the fields;

Only to be with you; only to be with you.

I have run; I have crawled; I have scaled these city walls;

Only to be with you; only to be with you.

But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for…

But I still haven't found what I’m looking for.

Today we leave the gospel of Matthew briefly to pick up the story of Jesus’ baptism in the Gospel of John. In Matthew, we are repeatedly informed of who Jesus is through the fulfillment of the prophecies in Scripture, but in John, the power of the Holy Spirit to inform, call, inspire and lead has a specific purpose. John states in chapter 20: 31…”These things were written that you may believe in Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name.”

In John’s gospel, God gets close and personal. The WORD becomes flesh, and moves into the neighborhood, so to speak! The testimony of John the Baptism is a voice that cries in the wilderness to prepare the way…prepare our hearts, minds and souls, to receive the true Christ with a living, breathing, dynamic faith. And every story in John shows us hearts transformed and people changed when they encounter and then ABIDE with Jesus. The word ABIDE is constant in John’s gospel. For we are not only to see Jesus….but we are to let him into our very lives in such a way as to share a home in our hearts. This can be both good news….and intimidating news. Why? Because sometimes I only want to give Jesus my “upbeat…faithful self….and not my bored, discouraged, unwelcoming self. Somedays, I don’t know what I need.

Perhaps that’s why Jesus’s first words to the disciples who are following him are these: “WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR?” When the disciples respond by calling Jesus, “Rabbi,” they are in a sense saying…”We aren’t sure what we are looking for. We just know that you can teach us and give us what we need.” And so…they ask where Jesus is staying. In other words, they are asking Jesus to spend time and teach them….show them… fill in the blanks of their weary waiting and searching. And Jesus responds saying: “COME AND SEE.”

What are you looking for? And… Come and See. Such simple human phrases, and yet, so intimidating and overwhelming when we are insecure, troubled, frustrated and feeling alone. To Come and See requires us to leave behind our baggage and our self focus and engage with Christ. The One that NO DOUBT will require us to be changed! And change….as exciting as it can be, is also REALLY HARD and overwhelming at times.

I just upgraded finally to a new iphone after resisting for a very long time. I was comfortable with my current phone, but I also wanted some of the features, especially camera features for photographing my artwork, so I trusted the AT&T guy over the phone who assured me that I didn’t need to drive in to a box store to have them transfer my phone data, it was super easy and they would help me over the phone no problem! Well…the reality wasn’t so easy. After several hours on the phone with both AT&T and then Apple support getting the right software uploaded that the new phone didn’t have; and then Apple ID’s updated, the process that I had done over and over again finally worked! I thought I had everything downloaded from icloud, but then, after disconnecting from support, I discovered that many of my contacts didn’t make it to the new phone, and that I had to reset all kinds of passwords and shortcuts. I heard myself declare with great angst, “I HATE CHANGE!” Can any of you relate?

Then when I began to study our gospel text for today. Jesus’ question, “What are you looking for?” struck me as him saying to me…”I know and understand that you hate change….but my child, get used to it! Change is where I abide…Change that gives life and hope, not discouragement and fear. Come and See!”

So often, we think we can handle this life on earth all by ourselves, don’t we? But the truth is, we were not created to be “gods” unto ourselves. We were created to be Children of God. Created in the Image of God. Sin is real, and holds us in bondage. We are in need of salvation; gracious forgiveness and rebirth with eyes and hearts that can be opened…and changed. And in God’s eternal wisdom, Jesus Christ came to ABIDE…literally move into our neighborhood…our homes and our very hearts… to show us “what we are looking for,” and satisfy that spiritual quest with what only God can give us through Christ.

As a body of believers, the church, Jesus is also asking us this question as we gather for worship here this morning. “What are you, my flock at Baptism River Community Church, looking for?” Why have you come here? What is it you are dreaming about; hoping for; longing to set free, willing to change to become? It’s an important question. Are we here out of habit…or purpose? Is it to find comfort within a chaotic world… or are we willing to embrace the change and discomfort that comes when we truly follow Jesus as disciples called to be vessels of His life giving mission? In John’s gospel today, Jesus stands at the beginning of his ministry ready to go…disciples have been called and they gather around him as John reveals Jesus’ true identity as the Son of God, the Messiah who has come into the world to save us from our sin. It’s a moment of clarity… to move forward, purpose and passion must be established. “What are you seeking?” Jesus asks. The disciples don’t have a clue…but they know one thing and one thing only…this Jesus, the one John reveals as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world….the one filled with the Holy Spirit and truth…the Son of God… has the answers they seek. And so…they ask…”Where are you staying Lord?” And Jesus invites them to abide with him in an intimacy that breaks all barriers by simply saying, “Come and See.”

And so….what’s the good news I need to preach both to you and to myself today? Maybe it’s as simple as a surrender that simply says, “Here I am. Here WE are. We have come to see and to understand. Lord….Where are you staying that we might abide with you and do your will? Please show us, teach us, move us, change us….and do something new in this season of our human search. For when you ask us, “WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR?” we aren’t even sure WHAT we are looking for…just that we are looking. And… in our looking, we know that only you have the words of eternal life.

Let us be like the little child who came home from her Sunday School class one day to announce that she had met Jesus, and was determined to draw a picture of Him to place in her room so that they could always be together. She grabbed a piece of paper and got her crayons and began to draw with great passion and excitement. Her mom, a bit perplexed and not wanting to dampen her daughter’s enthusiasm, said, “That’s really wonderful. I sure wish I knew what Jesus looked like.” “Don’t worry mommy,” she said. “I’ll show you when I’m done.”

“What are you looking for?” Jesus says to each and every one of us. And that is a question we will always wrestle with both individually and as a body of believers as we seek to grow in faith and discipleship. Within his church and in our very lives, Jesus has promised to abide with us. And he asks only one thing of us…to Come and See. Amen.


June 11, 2023


January 22, 2023