February 11, 2024 Sermon
Grace and Peace to you from the Holy Trinity; Father, beloved Son and the Holy Spirit. Today we celebrate transfiguration Sunday.
Following along in the dazzling light of the Lord.
We approach the season of Lent, which begins with Ash Wednesday, next week. I am curious to wonder how we transfigure and change as we walk with Jesus. In Mark’s gospel we are invited to journey with Jesus, Peter, James, and John. Only those four head up a high mountain, by themselves.
Mark describes this scene in an almost matter of fact way, that perhaps is really indescribable.
One of those moments that change your life forever.
If seeing is believing, imagine believing something you’ve never seen before?
Without warning, or preparation Jesus appears unlike anything anyone has ever seen.
Dazzling, brilliant light, no dust covered, sweat infused garment, but brilliance.
The word for transfiguration, metamorphoo, is used only twice in the Bible, in the gospel of Matthew and Mark, both related to this event.
Jesus changed from his regular Jesus look, to a purely amazing light.
Like a beautiful monarch butterfly that struggles from its chrysalis to take wing, light as air.
Dazzling white, not even “Oxyclean” white, not of this earth bright. That’s God shining through Jesus.
Have you ever seen such a light? Had such a feeling of being?
Like a perfect morning with a hot cup of coffee and the indescribable beauty of the sunrise.
The transfiguration is the Son Rise of God.
But that’s not all they see.
The disciples see Elijah, with Moses, talking to Jesus.
Talk about a power trio: Prophet, Law, and Gospel.
No wonder Peter stammered out something of building some dwellings for them. Everyone is left speechless.
A silent cloud overshadowed them and from the cloud a voice. We are told they are terrified, I think I would have been too.
For everyone to hear, “There came a voice, “This is my Son, the Beloved; Listen to him!”
Suddenly they were standing there alone with Jesus.
Departing in silence, or unable to speak, they headed down the mountain with the order,
“Tell no one about what you had seen, until after the Son of Man had risen from the dead.”
This is what Jesus had been talking about, but what does it all mean? I am curious what kind of transfiguring events you have experienced in your life?
On October 19th, 1997 my life changed forever.
That is the birthday of Jackson, Misty and my first child.
I had a similar experience of awe and wonder, witnessing the birth of my beloved son.
When the day came it was like time stood still, yet we couldn’t get to the hospital fast enough.
We arrived at the hospital and assumed that we would have a baby any second. Twenty-three hours later, Misty gave birth to Jackson.
I did my best to help, or at least I thought I did.
With all of her last energy Jackson quite suddenly emerged into the world. I think that his first breath of air pulled all of the air from my lungs. That was an indescribable moment of transfiguration for me.
I was dumbstruck, unable to speak, and yes, terrified. But I was also immediately in love.
In love with God and this beautiful gift. In love with Misty to share such a gift. In love with my beloved, my Son.
I wonder if God felt this way when declaring Jesus as his Beloved Son. Imagine how many times God has blessed us.
I think that number would be like counting the stars.
We are all points of light, reflections of God’s love for us and for others.
Brilliant light that shines from a newborn's face.
Love that is greater than anything we can imagine.
A love that leaves us speechless.
All thanks to God who created us out of love. Giving us his beloved Son. Jesus, who will bear our pain and suffering for us on the cross.
Fortunately that is not the end of the story, we remember the brilliant light of love that transforms each one of us to the joy of a risen Christ.
That is our exciting path as we walk with Jesus, as disciples in the world. The love God has for his only Son lives in our lives.
We celebrate Jesus’ transfiguration with those life changing events in our lives. When has your heart been changed by something amazingly brilliant? A moment where you felt like you were in the presence of God. There is no right way or wrong way to experience the feeling of heavenly glory. That’s why we have each other to share our stories, to discover joy. To glimpse the world through another person’s eyes,
To love abundantly out of abundant love for one another.
Jesus wouldn’t have us see it any other way.
Create and reflect joy, God likes a little razzle dazzle. AMEN