December 24, 2023
Grace and Peace to you from God, loving creator, Jesus our savior born to us, and the Holy Spirit the guiding light of our lives.
A star is born.
Jesus is the miracle that came to earth.
Born as a baby, just like you and I.
Thanks be to God for this beautiful gift.
Christmas Eve is one of the most special days of the year for me.
I hope you have felt the sense of wonder that breaks through the expectations that everything has to be perfect.
Perfection is practiced in the gift of God’s unconditional love for us. Love that comes to life with the birth of Jesus, God among us.
As the parent of three children I have been blessed with being there for all of their births.
Eager to share the good news with friends and family.
Those people are waiting in expectation of the call that we have a child. Perhaps you have had the same feeling of excitement.
Like trying to stay quiet before shouting surprise for a birthday surprise party.
The joy of the miracle of birth.
Maybe you will even hear a multitude of angels singing.
Joseph and Mary are a blessing for us all.
Real people, dealing with real life, and loving one another.
When listening to the words of Matthew the birth of Jesus remains a powerful gift.
Jesus, a baby in a manger, his parents and family together.
Christmas can be felt in many ways, but I feel its presence being together with family and friends.
Even when family members don’t always get along.
Like the labor pains of birth families go through pain together. The importance is togetherness. Jesus comes to bring us together. Why else would Herod be so upset?
Where is his joy?
Remaining in power or sharing love for one another?
A messiah, Emmanuel, bringing peace on earth, the brilliance of love and joy.
A star is born that will never go out.
A star guiding those from the east, a star for the shepherds, a bright star for us.
That star is Jesus.
I sit in the parsonage and I am amazed at the night sky.
Glowing with stars and dancing Northern Lights.
Even across great distances the light shines in the darkness. The light of life, the light of Jesus that has come to us.
A light that warms our hearts and seeks out others.
One of the miracles of Jesus' birth is the invitation from God to participate.
Being adopted and experiencing unconditional love has been a guide for my life.
I can thank my adoptive parents with love and joy.
I think that is the way God invites us to follow Jesus.
From a simple smile, to a warm embrace, we shine brighter together. We are candles of living flame to share the light.
On this Christmas Eve the expectation of Jesus’ birth continues as it has for centuries.
We are the expectant family and friends of the LORD.
A star is born amongst us.
A star that burns bright to guide us with love, comfort, and joy. God loves us all and the greatest gift is wrapped in swaddling clothes.
Held in a manger that nourishes both body and soul.
A manger that is open for all of us, not just royalty.
Led by a star the shepherds and Magi visit Jesus, like us visiting Jesus’ birth right now.
The gifts presented are gold for a king, frankincense to burn as an offering to God, and myrrh to anoint Jesus.
I have enough trouble finding great gift ideas, the Magi knew what they were doing.
All gifts that represent Jesus as truly God and human amongst us. When they saw the star they were overjoyed.
I am overjoyed by the blessings and gifts of Jesus.
What are the many blessings that you can be thankful for tonight? I’m blessed for the love of Jesus.
My family, my wife and children.
Baptism River Community Church and the wonderful people here. We are all shining stars, bringing peace on earth.
Come here to be loved as Jesus invites us to love one another. The joyous songs we sing together.
The mouthwatering food that we eat together.
The birth of Jesus that we celebrate together.
A very Merry Christmas from Baptism River Community Church. AMEN