December 17, 2023
Grace and Peace to you from God, our creator, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
Today is the third Sunday of Advent, also known as Gaudete Sunday, which means to rejoice.
Having now lit our third candle for Love, we grow so much closer to the joy of Christmas.
I am rejoicing for this steadfast gift of light,
Jesus the light of the world.
I am especially thankful for being called and answering that call with you today.
Truly you all light up my life.
I wonder how many of you have experienced the joy you get when you see a certain person?
The warmth shared in friendship.
Like a warm cup of coffee or hot cocoa on a cold day.
You know that feeling of comfort and joy, where they cheer you up when you’re down or ask you how your day is going- and really listen.
Who is that person for you?
Perhaps it is your spouse, a grandchild, the person who checks you out at your favorite store?
In our reading from John’s gospel we learn about John, a man sent from God.
Sent from God, testifying to light, to love. That gets my attention right away.
We hear that John has come for testimony, to bear witness to the light, that all might believe through him.
To bear witness to the light. Although John was not the light, he was pointing the way to a certain person.
Giving testimony that John is not the one they are looking for. That person is the son of God, Jesus Christ.
When I was serving my internship year I learned much about testimony and God’s love for us.
I learned what it means to love who I am. Not who I should be according to others, but who God made me to be.
I practiced learning how to love by letting go of shame and fear. Much of my work was practicing how to laugh and smile.
When I was feeling afraid or that I wasn’t enough I blocked out love. The unconditional love that God has for all of us.
With the patience and practice of my supervising pastor I came to the light of learning who I am in relationship with Jesus.
Maybe like me, you have asked yourself what am I here for, what does God have planned for me?
What really matters in our life?
Through my years in the business world, elementary education, and the fire service I have had many experiences that ultimately had me try to answer that question.
What really matters, what lights up my life?
Much like John, my answer is the light of the world, Jesus.
Like John we are also called to give testimony to who we are, as Christians, as Lutherans, and as children of God.
Who are you?
John confessed, “I am not the Christ.” John was obviously on their radar.
Those asking were more concerned about John being a threat than being the one to point the way to Jesus.
Again they ask, what than? Are you Elijah?
I am not. They wouldn’t give up, knowing that they had to return to their people with an answer.
Finally they ask a third question, Are you the prophet?
John answers no.
I wonder if those questioning John were simply too afraid to see the light.
Too unsure to step out of the darkness and experience the love John was pointing to.
How do you describe yourself?
How do others describe you?
When I was teaching one of my responsibilities was as a playground supervisor. I was responsible for the safety of about 400 children on a daily basis and it was not a very loving position.
I always felt like the rules were more important than the children having fun, mind you I was also a parent and fire fighter at this time and I was aware of all the potential injuries on the playground.
One of the memories that stuck with me was a comment that changed how I thought about things.
The child asked, “Mr. Poeschl, why do you look so grumpy all of the time?” Plunged into darkness! I had to ask myself?
What are you doing here?
In my mind keeping the children safe meant being stern and basically preventing their joyful play.
They didn’t want to hear about safety or the rules, they wanted to be kids. The children also wanted an answer. A reason to rejoice.
I realized that many of them probably didn’t look forward to one of the best parts of the school day, recess.
I wonder if John felt that way as he was trying to point the way to Jesus. To the light and love of the world.
Jesus who has done everything for us by grace through faith.
God who gives us this gift of life, to experience both the highs and lows together in a loving relationship.
A light of love that is freely shared, a love to rejoice.
The light that is in each one of us.
What is it like to wake up with love in your heart everyday? Is that even possible? I think so.
When beginning with love unbounded nothing can hold us back. Even for the small things. We share the light and love of Jesus freely. John’s gospel tells us that it is Jesus, “make straight the way of the Lord.”
The will of God has come to me and I am thankful for such a loving welcome.
I am giving testimony to light and love for my call to Baptism River Community Church.
I have been sent on this wonderful journey of life to discover your light and how together we can glow brighter.
I give thanks and rejoice to become part of this community. To be able to call Finland and the surrounding area home.
I look forward to sharing the light of Christ that is in all of us. To point the way so we can walk together in the warm glow of God’s love for us.
Who can be silent when we have such a gift to share?
As we approach the birthday of our savior we can rejoice.
Are you too the voice of the one crying out in the wilderness? Do you look forward to seeing those who light up your life?
Perhaps you’ve had a bit of a grinch experience that has taught you to see the light of love.
Rejoice and be glad.
For this we can say, Thanks be to God. Amen