
April 9, 2023, Easter

Happy Easter! He is Risen, he is risen indeed!

When I was a kid, growing up on a farm, we had lots of animals around, and lots of what I would call, “farm dogs and cats.” All these animals were a bit on the wild side, staying outdoors, or in a barn or dog house, so they were a part of our lives, yet mostly a part of living on a farm. Everyone interacted with these farm “pets,” but I dreamed of having a puppy of my very own! One who knew me personally, was my special friend. I imagined that this puppy would always stay by my side. I would teach the puppy to catch a ball, to run and grab a stick, do tricks for a treat, and snuggle me whenever I was lonely. And so, I went to my dad and begged and begged for a puppy of my own. And one day, my dad told me to jump in the truck because we were going to town to check out a new litter of Cocker Spaniel puppies!

I named her “Tammy,” and our love affair began! Tammy was as cute as she could be (she looked alot like Stormy in the book I just showed the children today.) She never tired of playing and learning tricks, and we bonded instantly. Whenever I called, Tammy was right there responding with joy and excitement. I had to share her a bit with my sisters, but Tammy knew that I was her master, and I loved the feeling of having this special connection with a puppy that always came willingly into my arms.

One day, however, I called Tammy to come and eat her food, and she didn’t come! I looked all around and found her in the back yard near a fence. She had cornered a butterfly…as much as a butterfly can be cornered, and was yelping and jumping in the air trying to catch the butterfly with her mouth. I watched her for a few minutes, and then called to her…”Tammy…come here girl! I have dinner for you.” She stopped her playing and looked at me….and what happened next surprised me. Instead of scampering back to me, she sat on her haunches, tilted her head toward the butterfly, then back to me….then back to the butterfly…and back to me…

For the first time in our close relationship, Tammy had a decision to make. She “wanted” to continue playing with the butterfly…but she knew that she “should” obey her master! Just like EVERY living creature…the struggle of the will entered the mind of my little puppy and she was in a war with guilt. Should she listen to her need to play and

Explore… OR…come to me? You guessed it! She turned back to the butterfly and I watched as she romped and played until finally she stopped, checked to see if I was still there, and slumped back to me.

My poor puppy was not only experiencing a struggle with her will (want or should)…but now the GUILT of not immediately obeying caused her to painfully walk back to me, perhaps expecting a scolding. My heart melted…of course…who could blame an innocent puppy who wanted to discover and play with life? And yet, her guilt…tho innocent…was real like it is for all of us. Whether we do something innocent, like being distracted by butterflies or indulgence; or hurting another with condemning words or actions…guilt has a way of turning our joy into fear and remorse. It’s in these moments that WE NEED A SAVIOR.

Sensing my forgiveness and love, Tammy scampered back into my arms, trusting that I would love her JUST as she was…a blessed, but willful creature of God’s own making.

It’s Easter morning…just before dawn. The disciples and followers of Jesus are in hiding for fear of the Jewish leaders and the Romans guarding Jesus’ tomb. Jesus had been their master. He taught them everything they needed to know; he showed them God’s love by speaking truth, healing human sin and wounds and proclaiming the Kingdom of God over the kingdom of this world. They SHOULD have been ready for what happened that Holy week when the unthinkable happened….they should have trusted that death wouldn’t have the last word…BUT it was brutal and terribly REAL. Now they were in hiding. Can you imagine their inner struggle during those troubling days and hours following the crucifixion? The guilt that Peter must have wrestled with in his own denial of his Lord. The reality that one of their own, Judas, had been the betrayer and had disappeared only to take his own life? Their WANT for safety and seclusion to grieve, must have been paralyzing.

Yet…Jesus, their master called to their hearts from his cross: “Father, forgive them…they know not what they do! “It is finished!” They stood at a place where a decision had to be made in these unthinkable hours of despair. Hide or Seek? Fear or Hope? Forget what Jesus said, or believe what Jesus said?

Now the women had been listening too. They had followed Jesus, supported his ministry; heard his truth and sensed his calling to do his Father’s will, even unto death. Remember how Mary anointed Jesus with precious oil as if she understood his need, and Jesus acknowledged that this was for his burial. These women ALSO faced a choice of Want or Should, it wasn’t only the disciples that were struggling with their will for survival. They SHOULD remain in hiding, they SHOULD let the disciples lead, they SHOULD stay in the background…yet, they WANTED more than anything to go to their Master and pour out their love, even if it was only in the tender washing and touching of his dead body. And so…they went. And what did they find?

An earthquake…a huge stone rolled away…and an angel in bright raiment speaking God’s pronouncement of grace upon a broken world: “BE NOT AFRAID! HE IS NOT HERE, HE IS RISEN!” “GO….TELL…LIVE…BELIEVE!!!” And, without hesitation, that is just what they did. Grief turned to Joy! Joy turned into new life! New life turned into action…and they ran overjoyed to share the news with all who were in hiding…”WE HAVE SEEN THE LORD! HE IS RISEN!” It was a moment in history that changed everything…Death swallowed up in victory! God’s power over the world’s power in the most unexpected way.

You know, growing up on a farm is a very special thing! Living among animals; puppies; gardens; fields of wheat and potatoes; and navigating the seasons out of doors teaches one many truths about life that go deep and define your understanding of truth. Like those women who “observed” Jesus and understood instinctively that there was something coming that they wouldn’t understand, yet could trust and hope in…so it is on a farm as you watch the birth of new calves and horses and your Father sow small seeds into cold, wet spring ground. All summer you watch and walk with your farmer dad through the fields as tiny shoots pop up and raise themselves into the sunshine, courageously defying the death at the seed’s essence so that new life can resurrect into tomorrow.

The mystery and the JOY of Easter is only understood in the recurring pattern of God’s transforming work and grace in our lives. The cross teaches us…just like the planted seed…that some form of death ALWAYS proceeds new life! Death and guilt NEVER have the last word. Grace comes in the earthquakes that shake our foundations. Joy comes in the surprise of light and gracious words spoken into our trembling hearts. New Life can’t be stopped as it resurrects us and propels us into each new day with a calling to share the good news! He is Risen! He is with us! Life with God is forever!

Speaking of the life that would follow his own death, Jesus said these words: “I tell you the truth unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels - a plentiful harvest of new life.” (John 12:24)

You see, for a seed…just like a human life…there is life on both sides of death. We are planted in the promise of salvation, and called forth out of death into a new life of grace. What more could we WANT?

Author and pastor Eugene Peterson says this about our own journey toward resurrection: “All suffering, all pain, all emptiness, all disappointment is SEED: sow it in Christ and he will, finally, bring a crop of joy from it.”

My friends, my prayer for you today is that if you leave this Easter morn with only one thought, may it be this:

Jesus came to enter YOUR story…to heal YOUR wounds…to resurrect YOUR life..and to show you what LOVE sees when CHRIST’S LOVE looks at you!

As I looked with love and grace upon my little puppy…so God looks upon each and every one of us as we struggle with our “wants” and “shoulds” and the guilt that sin sows into our daily lives. No matter WHAT choices you make, If you look at Christ, you will see God’s eternal LOVE and promise looking back at you! Be not afraid.

He is Risen! He is Risen indeed! Amen.


April 23, 2023 Sermon


April 7, 2023, Good Friday