
January 26, 2025 Sermon

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord my strength and my redeemer. 

The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky proclaims its maker’s handiwork. 

I am blessed to be your pastor. 

You have called me to bring the good news. 

One of my daily blessings is waking up here in Finland. 

Out of the parsonage’s back windows I get the first light of the day. Gently waking me from a peaceful night into a new day. 

Watching the sun gain elevation as I sip my morning coffee. 

The day brightens along with the nudge of caffeine from my coffee. Beginning the day like this is all about being in the moment. 

A moment of peace, reflection, and planning. 

Like many of us we began the day with a basic expectation. 

I marvel at the gift of hospitality and compassion from this congregation. I am looking forward to my First Call Retreat next Friday to Saturday. 

At this short 24 hour retreat I get the opportunity to share my highs and lows and take a moment to reflect, to pray, and to be thankful. 

Our synod is led by an incredible Bishop. 

If you have never met her, her name is Amy Odgren.

If you have met her I hope that you have had the same genuine and welcome recognition that I have seen her offer to everyone. 

When I think of and practice Christian Public Leadership Bishop Odgen is a fine model to follow. 

One of the required courses at seminary is Christian Public Leadership. Christians have a relationship with Christ both personal and public. 

For many of us we are much more familiar and comfortable being personal Christians. 

What makes a Christian Public Leader? 

First and foremost is Jesus Christ. 

Without Christ, imagine that, without Christ, there would only be public leaders. 

Furthermore without Christ we would not have the good news of eternal life with Christ. 

I feel that today, like everyday, we need to hear the good news. News that makes us continue to have hope. 

Hope that love is stronger than hate. 

Hope that turns us to action. 

In our gospel reading from Luke we have Jesus beginning his Christian public leadership. 

Jesus who just returned from 40 days in the desert, a reminder of the 40 years the Israelites wandered in the book of Exodus, now returning home, to Nazareth. 

Jesus wasn’t alone, much like we are never alone.

If you have ever gone through extensive training, especially physical training, there is also an emotional strength that builds with the confidence in a higher power. 

A confidence, having faith in the Holy Spirit that Jesus is filled with. 

Jesus gives us a whole new reason to celebrate the power of the Spirit that sees us through peril and temptation. 

We are told that people spread a report about Jesus all through the surrounding country. 

The good news of Jesus was shared then as it is now, perhaps at a time when we need to hear this Good News the most. 

Christian Public leaders show up in public, representing the body of Christ. 

Jesus shows up in Nazareth, his home town, going to the synagogue on the sabbath. 

Christian Public leaders represent Christ, doing good as they were taught compassion, love, and mercy. 

At this point Jesus is the hometown hero, standing up to read his mission statement, his inaugural address. 

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. 

He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, To proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” 

Jesus fulfills scripture, the reading from Isaiah is a promise for us all, Jesus is for all of us, as the Spirit is upon us. 

What do you hear with these words?

I hear compassion, acceptance, forgiveness, and love. 

That’s the Good News Jesus teaches all of us, loving our neighbor. What are you hearing in our world today, especially here in the US? Where is Jesus in this and what does it mean to be a Christian Public Leader? I refuse to let the Good News become “Fake News”. 

Jesus is the anointed son of God and comes as Good News to the poor. The poor who struggle for daily bread, shelter, and basic necessities. 

Good News to those who are held captive; captive to fear, captive to hate, and captive to greed. 

Sight to the blind, not blindness to those who can see. 

Jesus is the Good News that fills us with power to stand up, in unity of each other where all of us matter, every single one of us. 

We are the body of Christ and whatever we do to the least, we do to Jesus. “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” 

We go forth together with the Spirit to share and live the Good News. Jesus shows up with goodness and kindness with the steadfast love of God. Jesus is the true Christain Public leader for us to follow. 

The eyes of the world are on us, like they were on Jesus. 

I pray that our congregation, community, and country can fulfill the words of Jesus, where we are all welcome and loved. AMEN


February 9, 2025


January 12, 2025 Sermon